Certified NRA Instructor
Jeffrey Flisser is a retired New York City Science Teacher of 26 years. He is currently a Chief Range Safety Officer for the Westchester County Parks Department at Blue Mountain Sportsman Center in Cordlandt Manor as well as a Range Safety Officer for the Yonkers Parks Department at Coyne Park Pistol Range in Yonkers, both well over 20 years. He is an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor in the following disciplines: Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun and Muzzleloading/Black Powder Rifle. Mr. Flisser is an NRA Recruiter and a Lifetime Member of the NRA. He is a active member of The Westchester County Firearms Owners Association. He is currently a Committee Member and formerly Co-Chairman, of The Westchester County Friends of the NRA. He is the Founding Member of the Second Amendment Task Force. Mr. Flisser has been instructing individuals to shoot for over 20 years and sincerely enjoys the sport of targeting shooting.